Kelly's Heroes

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Download Movie Kelly's HeroesKelly's Heroes
Never have so few taken so many for so much., They set out to rob a bank... and damn near won a war instead!
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy, War, Action
Year: 1970
IMDB Rating: 7.40
IMDB Votes: 8411
Actors: Buckley, Hal as Capt. Maitland, MacLeod, Gavin as Moriarty, Lopez, Perry as Pvt. Petuko, Troupe, Tom as Cpl. Job, Balduzzi, Dick as Pvt. Fisher, Morris, Jeff as Pvt. Cowboy, O'Connor, Carroll as Maj. Gen. Colt, Margolin, Stuart as Pvt. Little Joe, Eastwood, Clint as Pvt. Kelly, Sutherland, Donald as Sgt. Oddball, Rickles, Don as SSgt. Crapgame, Davalos, Richard as Pvt. Gutowski, Savalas, Telly as MSgt. Big Joe, Stanton, Harry Dean as Pvt. Willard, Collins, Gene as Pvt. Babra
During World War II, Lieutenant Kelly learns of a German bank located behind enemy lines containing 16 million dollars in gold bars. His platoon, led by Big Joe, has three days of R&R coming, so, with the aid of hustler Crapgame, anachronistic hippie Oddball, three Sherman tanks and a touch of irreverence, Kelly leads his men deep into French territory to steal the gold for themselves.
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I agree with most of you on the level of comedy and acting in this film, but is not as accurate as some of you say: The field in northern France is not as all as mediterrainian Yugoslavia. The German is in fact a result of the Russian T34 have been squarified (the dome and put forward different tracks give them away), but I must say that whoever did the job met his Tigre! The act of the German language and German is very poor (especially compared with the excellent by the Americans), the Germans have a strong Yugoslav accent (of course, Americans can not see the difference, but it sounds like Kevin Kostner America yapping while Robin Hood).
Kelly's Heroes is a movie: Kelly's Heroes difficult to describe - a bit of a cross between a good Kelly's Heroes Comedy film of war and a black comedy. The chemistry between Savalas, Eastwood, Rickles, Sutherland and really makes this film. The fight scenes are some of the best filmdom ... some scenes directed by Kubrick in Dr. Strangelove.

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