Pocket Full of Rye, A

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Download Movie Pocket Full of Rye, APocket Full of Rye, A

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Drama, Crime, Mystery
Year: 1985
IMDB Rating: 6.90
IMDB Votes: 168
Actors: Low, Frances as Patricia Fortescue, Hickson, Joan as Miss Jane Marple, Merrison, Clive as Percival Fortescue, Glover, Jon as Detective Sergeant Hay, Wilkinson, Tom as Detective Inspector Neele, Davison, Peter as Lance Fortescue, Cadell, Selina as Mary Dove, Bell, Rachel as Jennifer Fortescue, Drake, Fabia as Miss Henderson, Badland, Annette as Gladys Martin, Stanbridge, Martyn as Vivian Dubois, Mills, Frank as Mr. Crump, Kendall, Merelina as Mrs. Crump, West, Timothy as Rex Fortescue, Dorning, Stacy as Adele Fortescue
Wealthy business man Rex Fortescue collapses when he reaches his office. It is determined that he was poisoned. No one seems too upset, as everyone agrees that Rex was a tyrant. Soon however Rex's young wife also turns up poisoned. The maid, Gladyes, whom Miss Marple trained, writes to Miss Marple asking for help. Miss Marple arrives too late, as Gladyses' body is found strangled and strung up on the clothes line. Now it's personal, and Miss Marple is determined to see the murderer punished.
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Do this: read the Marple mysteries. This is a stunning collection of experiments with form. The idea in the minds of Christie is one of the forces competing, competing realities. The narrator, reader and detective of conspiring to make of these competing realities dominate. His game is based on the rules of the genre. She bends, twists its influence. Each story has one of those rules and goofs with it. But everything depends on the rules. Watching these films TeeVee Marple. Not one of them respects the rules. In the books, working the puzzle. But TeeVee viewers only want to be worked on the screen and do not mind having the tracks properly. It is an outrage to anyone whose mind is still alive. The only interesting feature is the gold digger Boff. BBC, the bread and butter is expensive and spaces, and devote special attention to the faces. Engineering face in this crowd is Adele, what is now called the look Christina Ricci. Ted's Evaluation - 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of his life.
Now available on DVD from the BBC, this episode of Miss Marple is unfortunately plunged into complete darkness from beginning to end, it is sometimes very difficult to see who is actually on the screen. Perhaps this is the intention of adding to the atmosphere of the house where the action takes place and, indeed, the houses in the duel which had its curtains drawn at the time, but they need all the lights were switched off too? Despite a fairly faithful adaptation of the book, one of the latest Agatha Christie novel, there is a lot of detection or the thought process in the works and when presented with the murderer, my reaction was simply "oh . When you see some good principles de'50 's details.
Although I do not classify an Pocketfull rye "as one of Agatha Christie best stories, which still maintains its interest, there is a variation on the" ABC Murders "theme (the murderer of the underground and a murder that is important for him among a series of murders seemingly linked) and a very clever solution to the problem of "murder through long distance! I must admit that my favorite part of this Pocket Full of Rye, A movie is by far like Mary Dove Selina Cadell, the efficient housekeeper. Smart, witty, observant - that is the thinking man's ideal wife. I loved the scene where she admits to some "minor discrepancies in the accounting house! I just wish I had more to do in the second half. Second favorite is Fabia Drake as Miss Henderson, who has some of the best lines: "I've always been very peculiar" and "The journey between the President and the poor is but one step." And third favorite is Tom Wilkinson as Inspector Neele, a nice, level head is faster than others to appreciate the value of the contributions of a certain Miss Marple Inspector slack! (***)
Probably the least interesting of the BBC TV adaptations, and one of the few available on DVD, for some reason. The only really fun parts come from the elderly Fabia Drake formidable actress who plays Miss Henderson. " She wanders around the condemnation of the comments from Stern, the best comes when the young blonde ditzy wife makes a comment about going to the Club House (located on a nearby golf course as I recall). Miss Henderson has a strong smell, and mutters "Club! .... Brothel!" always leaves me in stitches. Otherwise his memorable no, I can not remember if the book is very interesting to begin with. Its fun to see Tom Wilkinson in a minor role.

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