Artificial Intelligence: AI

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Download Movie Artificial Intelligence: AIArtificial Intelligence: AI
This summer, discover the next step in evolution., Journey To A World Where Robots Dream And Desire, This Is Not A Game, Do not speak the seven-word activation code unless you mean it., David is 11 years old. He weighs 60 pounds. He is 4 feet, 6 inches tall. He has brown hair. His love is real. But he is not.
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Sci-Fi, Adventure, Drama
Year: 2001
IMDB Rating: 6.80
IMDB Votes: 53771
Actors: Osment, Eugene as Supernerd, Grdevich, Sabrina as Secretary, Law, Jude as Gigolo Joe, Osment, Haley Joel as David, Robards, Sam as Henry Swinton, Gleeson, Brendan, Hurt, William as Prof. Hobby, the Visionary, Gallop, Tom as Supernerd, Thomas, Jake as Martin Swinton, Grace, April as Female Colleague, Greenly, Theo as Todd, Leung, Ken as Syatyoo-Sama, O'Connor, Frances as Monica Swinton, Gregg, Clark as Supernerd, Winston, Matt as Executive, Sussman, Kevin as Supernerd
In the not-so-far future the polar ice caps have melted and the resulting raise of the ocean waters has drowned all the coastal cities of the world. Withdrawn to the interior of the continents, the human race keeps advancing, reaching to the point of creating realistic robots (called mechas) to serve him. One of the mecha-producing companies builds David, an artificial kid which is the first to have real feelings, especially a never-ending love for his 'mother', Monica. Monica is the woman who adopted him as a substitute for her real son, who remains in cryo-stasis, stricken by an incurable disease. David is living happily with Monica and her husband, but when their real son returns home after a cure is discovered, his life changes dramatically. A futuristic adaptation of the tale of Pinocchio, with David being the 'fake' boy who desperately wants to become 'real'.
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I am looking forward to the second time to see this movie. He has gone beyond all the best movies in my personal list - the DivX Movie Artificial Intelligence: AI is excellent. Good score - good story - good acting - the right direction. It is a story that is so artificial and futuristic in concept, but so real and emotional eeriely humanely. Boys do not cry, and generally. This DVD film Artificial Intelligence: AI made me - a teenage boy - go sobby, an achievement even Titanic (1998) no. I will not predict any Oscars - but to say that any nominee will not receive or gain is strictly artificial. See this movie, you will not regret.
I was totally surprised by this DVD film Artificial Intelligence: AI was so tedious to watch. Whole company went to the slow pace that acts as a sleep aid. After the obligatory prologue unnecessary (designed for people who, like the scarecrow, you do not have a brain), leads to a withdrawal of the old cliché story of a misunderstood robot who just wants to be human - in the forefront 1946, but not worth a redo now. Every point, every dramatic moment, he married a 20-pound hammer sledgehammer. The Pinocchio references so exaggerated and annoying you want to shout "Enough, Steve! Enough! We understand! We get it!" Only in the last twenty minutes did not emerge an interesting concept (like a deus ex machina of the clear blue sky), but then you're screaming, "I do not care! Get this over with!" The images are impressive, no doubt. But the DVD film Artificial Intelligence: AI fails on all other counts. Smarmy is awash in sentimentality, and makes absolutely no logical sense (the spinach incident, for example - never expected something like that happen?) And seems satisfied merely parade of clichés, and the hope that someone applauds. A big disappointment.

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