Love Guru, The

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Download Movie Love Guru, TheLove Guru, The
His Karma is Huge, Get ready for the summer of love
Formats: 720p, 1080p, ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 3.60
IMDB Votes: 9380
Actors: Myers, Mike as Pitka, Patel, Ravi, Narayan, Manu as Rajneesh, Kingsley, Ben as Guru Tugginmypudha, Jazzar, Dani as Variety Dancer, Banks, Boyd as Medic #1, Padda, Jaan as Young Deepak, Malco, Romany as Darren Roanoke, John, Suresh as Indian Man, Timberlake, Justin as Jacques Grande, Bhatt, Sachin as Dancer, Djalili, Omid as Guru Satchabigknoba, Heins, Trevor as Young Pitka, Huebel, Rob, Oliver, John as Dick Pants
Pitka an American raised outside of his country by gurus, returns to the States in order to break into the self-help business. His first challenge: To settle the romantic troubles and subsequent professional skid of a star hockey player whose wife left him for a rival athlete.
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Most people underestimate this movie, at first glance, but a second view, you begin to notice small details that reveal the actors talent. The comedy in this Love Guru, The film may be boring for most viewers, but please keep in mind the target audience. Take time to watch a second time, and you'll see ... Mike Myers improved the paper it was founded. The cute little finches and shrugs can be done only by him, and he does it perfectly. Another point I want to focus on is the music. The music was absolutely brilliant. Who transforms the song "9to5" for the introduction was a genius. Not to mention Mike Myers' musical talent. I really a great added value to all performances. Although the story and the comedy was not brilliant, performance and joy of this Love Guru, The Comedy film increases the score of at least 6 / 10 in my books.
To call this the worst DivX Movie Love Guru, The of the year, or the worst movie: Love Guru, The ever shown in theaters, is pure pompousness at its best. That said, this is not a great movie. It is hilariously crude, random and weird, but the mood is obviously not for everyone. Love Guru uses a tried but true formula of comedy and rarely strays from it. However, some outside-the-wall jokes you laughing in front of his face, and will continue returning to their minds, making us laugh for days after seeing the film. The act is even, and Steven Colbert offers the most enjoyable performance I've seen in a long time. Not go into this Love Guru, The film looking for innovative comedy genius or domain, go into this DVD film Love Guru, The expecting a decent laugh that you will not regret.
I am really surprised that so many people hate this movie, especially to say that the cat in the hat was better ... wtf? Would prefer to punch in the face myself to do that movie. this movie: Love Guru, The really funny, funnier than fuck Goldmember and I spy, I disappoint4ed seriously. First, let everyone know who is reading this, not to believe everything you read about this movie, go shopping, or if you do not have enough money, go rent or borrow, and then decide if your own or not you like. make your own mind about it, not someone else. I give it an 8 / 10 because they saw it and actually thought it was funny, do not leave me in the first 15 minutes as everyone else who reviewed the DivX film Love Guru, The delayed finishin

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