I'm Not There

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Download Movie I'm Not ThereI'm Not There

Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Music, Biography, Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 8.10
IMDB Votes: 1682
Actors: Franklin, Marcus Carl as Woody Guthrie, Whishaw, Ben as Arthur Rimbaud, Ledger, Heath as Robbie Clark, Roberts, Kim as Mrs. Arvin, Francks, Don as Hobo Joe, Cagelet, Paul as Carny, Day, Larry as Government Agent, Gere, Richard as Billy the Kid, Kristofferson, Kris as Narrator, LaFortune, Roc as Hobo Moe, Benskin, Tyrone as Mr. Arvin, Fortin, Pierre-Alexandre as Gorgeous George, Bale, Christian as Jack Rollins/Pastor John, Blanchett, Cate as Jude Quinn, Havens, Richie as Old Man Arvin
Six incarnations of Bob Dylan: an actor, a folk singer, an electrified troubadour, Rimbaud, Billy the Kid, and Woody Guthrie. Put Dylan's music behind their adventures, soliloquies, interviews, marriage, and infidelity. Recreate 1960s documentaries in black and white. Put each at a crossroads, the artist becoming someone else. Jack, the son of Ramblin' Jack Elliott, finds Jesus; handsome Robbie falls in love then abandons Claire. Woody, a lad escaped from foster care, hobos the U.S. singing; Billy awakes in a valley threatened by a six-lane highway; Rimbaud talks. Jude, booed at Newport when he goes electric, fences with reporters, pundits, and fans. He won't be classified.
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Cate Blanchett is wonderful. Parts of the I'm Not There film in which the acts are convincing. However, this could have been (and has already been done) through documentaries. Ok, so you can not pigeonhole Bob Dylan. (Oops, was that a spoiler?) Is it the attention it had groupie? Should I? The rest of this miserable excuse for a time-waste is filled with visions of a director to let loose too much money and not enough discipline or study supervision. It is always a danger when the director is the writer and this film: I'm Not There shows that the warning. The last I'm Not There Music film that this evil is Heaven's Gate, and the bankruptcy of two studies. This is a truly horrible I'm Not There film just rescued from the pile of manure, by Cate Blanchett. Fortunately, we will not have to remember this movie, when we remember his distinguished career. Seldom have I cried in a movie: I'm Not There "Get a point!" but, in this example of a director to play with him, you find that it makes no sense. "I'm Not There" that leaves you thinking "I Do not Care" and becomes "There is nothing here." Sorry, now I wash.

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