Proof of Life

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Download Movie Proof of LifeProof of Life

Formats: hpc, ipod, divx, hidivx
Genres: Thriller, Drama, Action
Year: 2000
IMDB Rating: 6.10
IMDB Votes: 13690
Actors: Caruso, David as Dino, Sanchez, Mario Ernesto as Arturo Fernandez, John, Gottfried as Eric Kessler, Sibille, Pietro as Juaco, Heald, Anthony as Ted Fellner, Crowe, Russell as Terry Thorne, Reed, Pamela as Janis Goodman, Martinez, Norma as Norma, Armstrong, Alun as Wyatt, Kitchen, Michael as Ian Havery, Martindale, Margo as Ivy, Morse, David as Peter Bowman, Anderson, Stanley as Jerry, Ryan, Meg as Alice Bowman, Hernandez, Vicky as Maria
In a mountainous South American country, drug-dealing rebels kidnap Peter Bowman, a US engineer who works for an oil company's subsidiary. The company calls in a negotiator, Terry Thorne, an Aussie ex-soldier based in London. When the subsidiary goes bankrupt, the oil company washes its hands of the matter and pulls Thorne. Bowman's wife Alice begs him to stay. She and Peter's sister cobble together some money, Thorne talks ransom terms with the cash-strapped rebels, and Peter, chained high in the mountains, is sustained by a photo of Alice. When the politics of the situation change, so must Thorne's strategy. And what can Alice and he do about the attraction growing between them?
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Russell Crowe and Meg Ryan have a chemistry in this Proof of Life Thriller movie that could have extended their personal relationship. Their expressions and demeanors reflect their feelings. This is a DivX Movie Proof of Life that is easy to understand and does not make you cringe when it's everything. SPOILER FORWARD I especially liked the fact that none of the good and the pig was killed the man did. This was definitely a DivX film Proof of Life that both boys and girls would like.
Why or why some people underestimate this DVD movie Proof of Life .. I do not know. But I can tell you, the actions of both Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe are in a top-notch. Add to that a stunning landscape of bush land in Colombia, excellent camera work, a good solid script that added flavor. Finally, some suspense as filling finish. You can not hear me complain. I am sure I am not hearing, either ...
This is a very good film, Russell Crowe will probably practice method acting, like Robert De Nero. Crowe played by a mercinary to the tee. He walked, talked and behaved like one. This film: Proof of Life is not politically correct, ie Hollywoodish or Rambo phoneyish. If the movie: Proof of Life followed by a book, the script is very close to the real story. Much of this DVD film Proof of Life is its realism, conveys a message that to understand the difficulty, the harshness and cruelty of the situation. Do not live in a world in black and white Hollywoodism or politically correct, but a complex that is gray, not black and white. Responses to questions can not be somtime it or not, and Crowe realizes this and plays a realist, with a few plot twist or break, and the information makes it a great celebration. The former SAS soldier has a job is the best description of this movie. PS Caruso plays the role of the other mercenaries well could restart your carrier.

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