Full of It

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The Truth Is All That Counts., He coudn't make it big, so he made it up
Formats: hidivx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 90
Actors: Ouellette, Nick as Kyle Sidekick #2, Mara, Kate as Annie Dray, House, Alex as Kyle Sidekick #1, Merkeley, Garth as Kevin, Gordon, Matt as Coach Henderson, Stevenson, Cynthia as Mrs. Leonard, Hewlett, Sean as Spooky Kid, Electra, Carmen as Herself, Walsh, Amanda as Vicki Sanders, Close, Joshua as Kyle Plunkett, Polo, Teri as Mrs. Moran, Lynch, John Carroll as Mr. Leonard, Pinkston, Ryan as Sam Leonard, Kilborn, Craig as Mike Hanbo, McGrath, Derek as Principal Hayes
Sam Leonard (Ryan Pinkston) is the new kid at Bridgeport High School. On his first day, he is humiliated by the school jock Kyle Plunkett (Josh Close), becomes friends with Annie Dray (Kate Mara), and falls in love with Kyle's girlfriend Vicki Sanders (Amanda Walsh). When he goes to the guidance counselor (Craig Kilborn) for guidance, the counselor gives him the advice to lie to get the other kids to like him. Sam tells lies like 'I drive a Porsche', 'My dad's a rock star', 'My dog ate my homework', 'I never miss a shot' (at basketball) and that Vicki Sanders and his English teacher Mrs. Moran (Teri Polo) are lusting after him. That night, after an argument with his parents (John Carroll Lynch and Cynthia Stevenson), he accidentally breaks the mirror behind his door. The next morning, Sam finds his dog actually eating his homework, he has a Porsche, he never misses a shot, and Mrs. Moran and Vicki Sanders are after him. Now he must find a way to fix what he's created.
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