Queen of the Damned

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Download Movie Queen of the DamnedQueen of the Damned
The Mother Of All Vampires, All She Wants Is Hell On Earth, This time there are no interviews.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Music, Horror, Fantasy
Year: 2002
IMDB Rating: 4.60
IMDB Votes: 14219
Actors: Moreau, Marguerite as Jessica 'Jesse' Reeves, Townsend, Stuart as Lestat de Lioncourt, Perez, Vincent as Marius de Romanus, Devoy, Johnathan as James, Mora, Tiriel as Roger, Olin, Lena as Maharet, Dorman, Megan as Maudy, Aaliyah as Queen Akasha, Spence, Bruce as Khayman, Black, Claudia as Pandora, Manon, Christian as Mael, McGann, Paul as David Talbot, Farnham, Robert as Alex, Standish, Conrad as T.C., Newton, Matthew as Armand
After many years of sleeping in his coffin, the vampire Lestat awakens only to find that the world has changed and he wants to be a part of it. He gathers a following and becomes a rock star only to find that his music awakens the ancient Queen Akasha and she wants him to become her king...
Download Queen of the Damned Movie Here
I've seen this DVD film Queen of the Damned counter times and now still not sick of it. It's like a frickin 'drug. I know that many people do not like, but there is something that just draws me in. Each performance is spectacular, but Aaliyah is the one that steals the show. She not only played the role of Akasha became him. Her beauty and body movement was captured exceptionally well. It's also nice to see that a young black man was elected to the role of an Egyptian queen (no, I'm not predjudice against white people, I am one). It is true that he does not know what color the ancient Egyptians actually were, but this was a good change. Stuart Townsend made me forget completely about the Tom Cruise portrayel of Lestat and Marguerite was amazing once again. Overall this is a good time at the movies. For those who have not seen it, be sure to do with an open mind and not take itself too seriously. I mean, it's a Queen of the Damned movie about a vampire who becomes a rock star. Take it as that.
I had 3 hours to kill so I went to the nearest Queen of the Damned movie theater and saw this movie. i was blown away by the beautiful (music video-like) art. I hate scary movies, but focused more on real, rather than effects. played in the history as poetry, with emotions of love, hate and hope, and peace, a whole new level, with characters that pull you to their world.
Well, I am a huge Anne Rice fan and love the vampire chronicles. I acknowledge that I am sitting there and watching the DVD and saying, "that is not really what happened, but I just said it was Hollywood. At first they said that the DVD movie Queen of the Damned is based on the Vampire Chronicles, and not the Queen of the damned. This is more than a book. I thought it was a great Stuart Townsend Lestat and Aaliyah was incredible. She is my photo Akasha. Although I was upset that the former were not mentioned much. It was not until you see the deleted scenes that I realized Pandora and Armand were even in the movie! I also love music. Richard Gibbs and Jonathan Davis has done a great job and I think they are really capable of Lestat match the sounds of today. Left, is my favorite song and I love David Draiman singing on the soundtrack. Overall I love this Queen of the Damned Music film and is a nice escape from reality I'm always swamped with final exams and to study!

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