Shipping News, The

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Download Movie Shipping News, TheShipping News, The
Dive Beneath The Surface, You'll never guess what you'll find inside...
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Romance, Drama
Year: 2001
IMDB Rating: 6.70
IMDB Votes: 11409
Actors: Moore, Julianne as Wavey Prowse, Glenn, Scott as Jack Buggit, Blanchett, Cate as Petal, Postlethwaite, Pete as Tert Card, Joy, Robert as EMS Officer, Pinsent, Gordon as Billy Pretty, Gainer, Alyssa as Bunny Quoyle, Pine, Larry as Bayonet Melville, Dench, Judi as Agnis Hamm, Gainer, Lauren as Bunny Quoyle, Arnette, Jeanetta as Silver Melville, Spacey, Kevin as Quoyle, Behr, Jason as Dennis Buggit, Ifans, Rhys as Beaufield Nutbeem
An inksetter in New York, Quoyle returns to his family's longtime home, a small fishing town in Newfoundland, with his young daughter, after a traumatizing experience with her mother, Petal, who sold her to an illegal adoption agency. Though Quoyle has had little success thus far in life, his shipping news column in the newspaper 'The Gammy Bird' finds an audience, and his experiences in the town change his life. Then he meets the widow Wavey...
Download Shipping News, The Movie Here

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