Trapped Ashes

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Download Movie Trapped AshesTrapped Ashes

Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Horror
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 5.50
IMDB Votes: 113
Actors: Miller, Dick as Max, Hiruma, Yoshinori as Seishin, Ishibashi, Ryo as Head Monk, Mina, Mina E. as Dr. Judith, Russell, Ken as Dr. Lucy, Cox, Richard Ian as Doug, Ito, Yozaburo as Architect, Taylor, John R. as Dr. Charlotte, Heindl, Scott as Zack, Gibson, Henry as Tour Guide, Bartok, Jayce as Andy, deLeeuw, Rob as Ben, Rekert, Winston as Dr. Larry, Lowell, Scott as Henry, Saxon, John as Leo
Seven strangers on a Hollywood movie studio tour are trapped inside an infamous House of Horror and forced to tell their most terrifying stories to get out alive.
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