Walk the Line

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Download Movie Walk the LineWalk the Line
Love is a burning thing.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Music, Romance, Drama, Biography
Year: 2005
IMDB Rating: 8.00
IMDB Votes: 44349
Actors: Roberts, Dallas as Sam Phillips, Goodwin, Ginnifer as Vivian Cash, Hilton, Tyler as Elvis Presley, Steakley, Clay as W.S. 'Fluke' Holland, Witherspoon, Reese as June Carter, Payne, Waylon as Jerry Lee Lewis, Miller, Dan John as Luther Perkins, Bagby, Larry as Marshall Grant, Lafferty, Sandra Ellis as Maybelle Carter, Beene, Dan as Ezra Carter, Rice, Johnathan as Roy Orbison, Phoenix, Joaquin as John R. Cash, Patrick, Robert as Ray Cash, Jennings, Shooter as Waylon Jennings, Lynne, Shelby as Carrie Cash
While growing up in the Great Depression era, Johnny Cash(Joaquin Phoenix) takes an interest in music and eventually moves out of his Arkansas town to join the air force in Germany. While there, he buys his first guitar and writes his own music, and proposes to Vivian. When they got married, they settled in Tennessee and with a daughter, he supported the family by being a salesman. He discovers a man who can pursue his dreams and ends up getting a record with the boys. Shortly after that, he was on a short tour, promoting his songs, and meets the already famous and beautiful June Carter(Reese Witherspoon). Then as they get on the long-term tours with June, the boys, and Jerry Lee Lewis, they have this unspoken relationship that grows. But when June leaves the tour because of his behavior, he was a drug addict. His marriage was also falling apart, and when he sees June years later at an awards show, he forces June to tour with them again, promising June to support her two kids and herself. While the tour goes on, the relationship between June and John grow more,and his marriage to his first wife ends. June finds out about the drugs, and help him overcome it. True love and care helped John eventually stop the drug usage, and finally proposes to her in front of an audience at a show.
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I did not know what to expect, while the purchase of this Walk the Line Music in my shop in the local media. I made my decision entirely to criticism by a bustle of "epic movie", not knowing what to expect i decided to take the opportunity I did not expect much greatness.However blown away by this touching, personal and painful portrait of Johnny Cash's life . He is a musician i know little about who had been recommended by many others, but have never been bold enough to buy his records and CDs. With fantastic performances from both Joaquin Pheonix and Reese Witherspoon, WALK THE LINE was brought to life. Telling the story of his life from a cotton farm in Arkansas to fame worldwide. Through love, through pain, through music WALK THE LINE is a sure winner for all.
What a fantastic film, a real treat for music lovers and fans of period pieces. Nor do I but I must say, WALK THE LINE is a DVD film Walk the Line well made. Address beautiful, Oscar worthy performances and a soundtrack that will get everyone tapping their feet. I loved everything about the assemblies and the transition between scenes. Just made me wild. :-). Many people have been comparing this DVD film Walk the Line to Ray, for understandable reasons. I would say Ray is not necessarily a DivX film Walk the Line worse than this, but I did like a whole lot better WTL. Ray's story was all over the place most of the time. Just my 2 cents. I will leave this review short and sweet. See this movie, you will not regret. 8.8/10
I saw this DivX Movie Walk the Line I had heard many good things about. Is all I had heard and more. The story is interesting and sometimes fascinating and is worth seeing. The music is the main attraction and Reese Witherspoon, although performance is exceptional. I was never a fan June Carter, but the performance of Reese Witherspoon is nothing less than a thief show. Their voices are fantastic and his stage presence seemed to make a true and real. I enjoyed the music of Johnny Cash for many years and is expected to see this Walk the Line movie and its history. After watching the film: Walk the Line I was more impressed with Reese Witherspoon as singer and actor. Children who can sing!
The performances, history, the passion was all consuming. The DVD film Walk the Line is awe inspiring. Joaquin and Reese have given the results of their lives. I can not get enough of the movie! Johnny Cash and June's love story is so powerful and brilliant capture. Joaquin was playing in cash! The fact that he had met before knowing about the Walk the Line movie proves that you never know what you are preparing for. Everything has been excellent on this film, acting, music, publishing, hair and makeup ... Only one small problem: What do you do for an encore? The Golden Globes recognize the film, Reese and Joaquin with high honors. The Academy Award should have gone to Joaquin.

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