Dangerous Liaisons

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Download Movie Dangerous LiaisonsDangerous Liaisons
Lust. Seduction. Revenge. The Game As You've Never Seen It Played Before.
Formats: hidivx, divx, hpc
Genres: Romance, Drama
Year: 1988
IMDB Rating: 7.60
IMDB Votes: 14096
Actors: Kurtz, Swoosie as Madame de Volanges, Malkovich, John as Vicomte Sebastien de Valmont, Capaldi, Peter as Azolan, Pfeiffer, Michelle as Madame Marie de Tourvel, Hawtrey, Nicholas as Major-domo, Lalande, Francois as Cure, Reeves, Keanu as Le Chevalier Raphael Danceny, Sheridan, Joe as Georges, Benson, Laura as Emilie, Do Nascimento, Paulo Abel as Castrato, Thurman, Uma as Cecile de Volanges, Natwick, Mildred as Madame de Rosemonde, Gogan, Valerie as Julie, Pavlis, Joanna as Adele, Close, Glenn as Marquise Isabelle de Merteuil
Set in France around 1760-1770. The Marquise de Merteuil needs a favour from her ex-lover, Vicomte de Valmont. One Marquise de Merteuil's ex-lover, Gercourt, is planning on marrying a young, virtuos, woman called Cecile de Volanges. The Marquise would like Valmont to seduce Cecile before her wedding day. Meanwhile Valmont has a conquest of his own in mind, Madame de Tourvel, a beautiful, married, and God fearing woman. The Marquise doesn't think that Valmont can do it, she tells him that if he can provide written proof of a sexual encounter with Madame de Tourvel, that she will offer him a reward, one last night with her. But Valmont will find himself falling in love with Mrs. de Tourvel, embrasing the deadly jealousy of the marquise de Merteuil.
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Stephen Frears directed a first Dangerous Liaisons movie adaptation of Choderlos Laclos' novel about several manipulative aristocrats of the French Rococo period. Marquise Isabelle de Merteuil (Glenn Close) is a seductive evil character who will stop at nothing to get what they want. of Vicomte Sebastien Valmont (John Malkovich) knows how to fool the peasants to believe that he is a good guy, despite his vampiric intentions. Madame Marie de Tourvel (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Le Chevalier Raphael Danceny (Keanu Reeves) can only be products of this vile society, but they are virtually incapable of doing anything about it. Maybe it's a little strange to see Keanu Reeves in a DivX Movie Dangerous Liaisons like this, but he does his best role. On the whole, "Dangerous Liaisons" is a Dangerous Liaisons movie that can not afford to lose. Perfect.
This Dangerous Liaisons film is smart. The performances are magnificent. John Malkovich is absolutely credible as the sector that destroys the lives of countless women naive. Glenn Close is amazing as one of the "bitches" in the history of cinema. Michelle Pfeiffer and Keanu Reeves gave their best performances ever, and Uma Thurman is amazing with a great mix of innocence and sexuality. The script and direction work really amazing that half of the disease and environment degradation. The makeup and costumes beautiful just added the force of history needs to be told. An amazing Dangerous Liaisons Romance movie that really want to go into that nest of snakes. Highly recommended.

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