Peaceful Warrior

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Download Movie Peaceful WarriorPeaceful Warrior

Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Sport
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 6.90
IMDB Votes: 3298
Actors: Wise, Ray as Doctor Hayden, Smart, Amy as Joy, Rosen, Beatrice as Dory, DeKay, Tim as Coach Garrick, Nolte, Nick as Socrates, Holmes, Ashton as Tommy, Bradley, Jimmy as Commentator One, Tarantini, Tom as Thug with Gun, Prater, Matthew as Thug Two, Britt, B.J. as Kyle, Bruckner, Agnes as Susie, Conner, Bart as Himself, Caudill, Scott as Thug One, Wesley, Paul as Trevor, Mechlowicz, Scott as Dan Millman
A moving tale about the power of the human spirit, Peaceful Warrior is based on Dan Millman's perennially best-selling autobiographical novel, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. In the film, Scott Mechlowicz plays Dan, a talented-yet-arrogant college gymnast with Olympic dreams and a golden future. The athlete thinks he has it all: bookcases of trophies, endless friends, fast rides and disposable relationships. But all that is about to change. One day, Dan's world is turned upside down after a chance meeting with a mysterious stranger he comes to know as Socrates (Nick Nolte)-a man who holds the power to tap into new worlds of strength and understanding. After he suffers a debilitating injury, with the mystical help of Socrates and an elusive young woman named Joy (Amy Smart), Dan will grow to realize that strength of spirit is what leads a man to his true greatness. From a screenplay by Kevin Bernhardt, Peaceful Warrior is directed by Victor Salva and produced by Mark Amin, Cami Winikoff, Robin Schorr and David Welch.
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I read this book when I was 19 and really changed my life. (It even became a vegetarian. Long before it became popular in the Midwest.) This film: Peaceful Warrior was just OK. I am happy not having to pay to see it. I took my wife to see her and she with me, not having read the book, was confused as to how this story might have had a profound effect on me. The DivX film Peaceful Warrior is quite poor as a cliff-notes version of the book. The acting is somewhat wooden and never get to know the main character enough to care much for him. There are some significant changes in the plot of the DivX film Peaceful Warrior to the book. These are the major changes that reduce the importance and context of the teachings and reduced to a "Karate Kid" (as some other reviewers noted) without a good script or decent action sequences, and only to act. Frankly, Sting would have been a better choice for the casting of Socrates. My advice would be to read the book and skip the DVD film Peaceful Warrior unless you "really" one of the actors in it and see what they do just because.
Best Buy decided to take its offer of free tickets and tickets accepted them. After seeing this weak imitation of the Karate Kid, I can understand why they had to pay people to see it. I should have known that was in trouble when the theater will not turn the lights all the way. I thought it was just an incompetent projectionist but after thinking about it now I know the real reason that the lights on the left: to keep people awake! Except for the times that Scott Mechlowicz was the nature of the interaction with Nick Nolte, bores me to tears. Nolte did his best with sophomoric clichés as "taking out the trash in your mind" and other sermons. But dialogue between Scott Mechlowicz, and his teammates were Stilt and unrealistic. I can not exactly remember their lines, but I remember my friend and said "this dialogue is lame, huh?" And he agreed! As for the plot that meandered all over the place before arriving at a predictable, though somewhat hasty conclusion. And after the Peaceful Warrior Drama movie ended, I said out loud something that the director should stick to horror films (directed Salva Jeepers Creepers)! Others in the crowd voiced its approval. Therefore, to summarize, if this DivX Movie Peaceful Warrior is not free, I would ask my money back!

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